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chinese equestrian association中文是什么意思

用"chinese equestrian association"造句"chinese equestrian association"怎么读"chinese equestrian association" in a sentence


  • 中国马术协会


  • Approximately thirty - six ( 36 ) of these clubs are chinese equestrian association ( cea ) accredited
    其中大约36个是被中国马术协会( cea )正式认可的。
  • What we have been doing is recognized by chinese equestrian association , beijing equestrian association and others in the industry
    2005 - 2007年度获得中英马术俱乐部认证系统四星级(国内马术俱乐部最高认证级别) 。
  • Equuleus international riding club , membership of chinese equestrian association and beijing equestrian association , has first - class facilities , trainers and horses in china
  • The duke will also raise the profile of british equestrian expertise in china with a visit to the sheerwood equestrian club , one of five chinese equestrian clubs recognised by the china british riding club national accreditation programme , a joint venture between the uk s hartpury college and the chinese equestrian association
    约克公爵还将参观西坞马术俱乐部( sheerwood equestrian club ) ,这将有助于提高英国马术技能在中国的知名度。西坞马术俱乐部是得到“中英马术俱乐部国家鉴定计划” (由英国哈特伯瑞学院和中国马术协会共同创办的机构)认可的5家中国马术俱乐部之一。
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